Established January 2009
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Established January 2009
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Welcome to the W. Jude Fly Rod Company
Custom Built Fiberglass and Carbon Fiber Fly Rods
Custom builds start with High Quality Blanks of either E Glass or S2 Unidirectional Glass.
Builds are done on the following Blanks:
W. Jude Ondawa Uni S2 Black Glass
Livingston Rod Company
CTS Composite Tubular Systems
Greywolf/Steffen Brothers/TroutSmiths
Epic Swift Fly Fishing
Tom Morgan Rodsmiths
McFarland Rod Company
Carbon Fiber
Custom Builds start with High Quality Blanks of High Modulus Carbon Fiber
Builds are done on the following Blanks:
W. Jude Ondawa Low Modulus Carbon
CTS Composite Tubular Systems
Livingston Rod Company
McFarland Rod Company
Greywolf/Steffen Brothers/Trout Smiths
Ondawa S2 Fiberglass
The Ondawa Series
There are 6 models in this series:
8'-3" 3pc 6/7wt
8'-3" 3pc 5/6wt
8'-3" 3pc 4/5wt
7'-9" 3pc 5/6wt
7'-9" 3pc 4/5wt
6'-9" 3pc 3/4wt
Rod blanks are rolled in the USA and are constructed of Black or Clear Uni S2 fiberglass. As with my other builds, all finished rods will be built with USA-made rod components.
The models underwent several months of prototype testing before the final tapers were selected. I was after a 7'-9" 3pc in both a 4wt and 5wt that would be at home on small-to-medium rivers and a 6'-9" 3pc 3wt for "blue lining", the tributaries where close in casting is the norm.
I wanted these rods to be able to do several different things well, from fishing dries, dry/dropper rigs, swinging wets, and fishing streamers, but both needed a smooth casting profile: A pleasure to cast, easily able to place the offering where you are looking, and offer a great experience hooking, playing, and landing fish.
You will notice that my Ondawa Glass carries a dual line weight rating, the first number is for Double Taper lines, which is my choice of line on Fiberglass, they allow the rod to load deep, mend well, and offer the best presentations at all distances encountered. The second line weight rating is for Weight Forward lines, these will work well on glass when your casting distance is in close, on my models a "long belly" WF is recommended.
I believe these six models will offer that:
The newest models, an 8'-3" length 3pc in 4/5wt, 5/6wt, and a 6/7wt. These models are basically the same tapers as my 7'-9" length rods. Just longer for fishing bigger water. The 4/5wt is a sweetheart for small dries and swinging wets. The 5/6wt is a good all around rod that will work nicely with dries, dry/dropper, wets and small streamers. The 6/7wt model is best suited for big dries and streamers.
The 7'-9" 3pc 4 wt is a medium-fast taper best suited for dries, dry/dropper rigs, and wet flies. This model will load in close and is capable of reaching out to the 60ft mark in the hands of a competent caster. It is a sweetheart with dries and DT 4 lines are best suited to its taper, although a standard weight WF 5 can be used if casting distances are less.
- The 7'-9" 3pc 5 wt is a medium-fast taper best suited for dries, dry/dropper rigs, wet flies, and streamers. This model will load in close and is also capable of reaching out to 60-70ft in the hands of a competent caster. DT 5 lines are recommened, but this rod will also load up well with a standard weight WF 6.
- The 6'-9" 3pc 3wt is amedium taper best suited when fishing the "blue line" tribs, whether it is with small dries, dry/dropper rigs or small streamers. This model is wonderful at ranges out to 30-40 feet. A DT 3 line is recommended, and standard weight WF 4 will also load it up well.
All Models are available for custom features available on my other builds. Your choice of:
- Reel seat skeleton
- Shop-turned wooden insert
- Grip size and style
- Agate or Standard stripping and running guides
The 6'-9" model will start at $575 for a standard build, $600 with an Agate upgrade.
The 7'-9" models will start at $625 for a standard build, $650 for an Agate upgrade.
The 8'-3" models will start at $650 for a standard build, $675 for an Agate upgrade.
All models are now available in Clear and Black S2 unidirectional Fiberglass!
All Ondawa Blanks are rolled in the USA and are built out with USA made Components
The 794-3 with Bright Nickel Lemke Hardware and Redwood Burl Insert
ONDAWA: One of 2 Native American names for the Battenkill, where the series was developed and tested
The 795-3 with Black Nickel Lemke Hardware and Box Elder Burl Insert
794 with a Modified Western Flor Grade Grip, Medium Green Wraps and Snake Brand Universals.
The Label for the Ondawa Series, I was shooting for a somewhat Retro Look. Labels are placed at the 18" mark from the bottom of the butt section
795 with a Modified Western Flor Grade Grip, Dark Green Wraps and Snake Brand Universals
794 with a JE Arguello Agate, available on upgraded builds
XB Standard Stripping Guide in Black Nickel, Bright Nickel Stripping Guides also available.
693 with a Struble Agate, available on upgraded builds.
The Ondawa 693 with a Lemke LC2 Nickel Seat, Walnut Burl Insert, Struble Agate, wrapped in Cranberry Nylon.
The Ondawa 693 with a Perrin custom click pawl reel.
The Ondawa 835 with a Lemke Down Lock Seat, Redwood Burl Insert.
A matched pair of 693's in Clear S2 Glass.
LC2 Seats with Redwood Burl inserts, Clear Silk Wraps, Struble Agates.
A matched pair of 693's in Clear S2 Glass.
LC2 Seats with Redwood Burl inserts, Clear Silk Wraps, Struble Agates.
Ondawa Carbon Series
The Ondawa Carbon Series are Four models of Low Modulus Carbon Fiber. The blanks are rolled in the USA utilizing 34 million modulus carbon fiber. These rods feature a medium to medium fast taper and they are just a pleasure to cast and fish. These rods excell where Dries and Dry/Dropper rigs are the norm. All three models are 8'-9" long in a 4pc configuration and feature an unsanded natural carbon finish.
While these rods feature a progressive taper, they are deeper flexing than the "tip flex" or "fast action" tapers offered by many of todays rod companies.
8'-9" 4wt 4pc: Best suited for technical presentations on Spring Creeks or Tailwaters.
Small dries and dropper rigs with long leaders on rivers where being very technical keeps you in the game.
8'-9" 5wt 4pc: The all around model that anglers would expect in a 5wt.
Its no wonder that the 5wt is the most popular all around trout rod, 5wts are versatile, they get the job done in many situations and this 5wt excels when using mid sized dries and dry/dropper rigs.
8'-9" 6wt 4pc: Best suited for larger Dries and Dry Dropper rigs, will also handle streamers.
Bigger Dries and Dry/Dropper rigs, think of a size 8 Stimulator with a Stone Fly Nymph Dropper and big hungry trout. This 6wt has the power to turn these rigs over and tangle with the big ones once the hook set is complete.
8'-9" 8wt 4pc: A great all around Smallmouth Bass, Schoolie Stripers, Carp, and light Salmon rod. The taper on this rod is exactly the same as the other three models, just a pleasure to cast and fish. This model can be built out with Saltwater safe components.
Pricing and Build Options:
Upgrade options available such as an Agate stripper guide for an addition cost.
As with all W. Jude builds, these rods are outfited with the same components used on my other rods and can be built out to meet clients expectations.
Ondawa 8'-9" 4wt 4pc
This build featured a Lemke/Snake Brand reel seat in Black Nickel with a shop turned Cocobolo insert, Modified Western Grip, with a Pac Bay X Stripping Guide and Snake Brand Universals. Wrapped with Gudebrod Garnet and Olive Green NCP.
Ondawa 8'-9" 5wt 4pc
This build freatured a Lemke LC-7 reel seat with a shop turned Redwood Burl insert, Modified Western Grip, Pac Bay Minima Stripping Guide and Snake Brand Universals. Wrapped with Pro Wrap Evergreen and Lime Green NCP.
Ondawa 8'-9" 6wt 4pc
This build featured a Lemke LC-7 Downlocking seat in Black Nickel with a shop turned Box Alder Burl Insert, Full Wells Grip, Pac Bay Minima Stripping Guide and Snake Brand Unversals. Wrapped with Pro Wrap Copper and Pro Wrap Red Metallic trim.
The Custom Build
My Fly Rods only feature high quality components. Starting with the Blank, I will only build on blanks that feature a warranty and the manufacturer of blanks has a solid reputation in the industry. Reel Seats used are typically Joel Lemke Brand, Stuble or REC, USA made. I turn and finish all of my own Wood Inserts and the species of wood is an Option for the customer to choose. I use Flor Grade Cork and I also turn all my own grips, which the style and size is another customer Option. Rod Guides starting with the Stripper Guide, Agates can be another Option, or several styles of Quality Stripper Guides are available. Running Guides and Tip Top are Snake Brand. Winding Checks are Nickel Silver or TiC. Hook Keepers are standard unless not required by Customer. Wrapping Thread can be either Silk, Nylon or Polyester, color and type of thread is also another customer Option.
My builds are backed up by a full workmanship warranty. If any part of the assembly of the build fails, I will fix that at my cost. Example, reel seat falls apart, I'll rebuild or replace it. Knock a guide off, I'll replace it. Blanks that I build on do carry a manufacturer defect warranty, what is not covered is a "stupidity break", close it in a car door. It happens to everyone at some point and the broken section can be remade at a nominal cost.
My object is to create a fly rod that you have dreamed of owning and I will not build and put my name on any rod that I myself would not be proud to fish and say "I built this"
Fiberglass Rods:
From small stream light line rods to warm/saltwater rods heavyweight line rods, anything is possible with Fiberglass. Pricing ranges from $450 to $800 US Dollars depending on: Blank, Length, Line Weight and Components. My most popular builds fall into 3 categories:
Small Stream Trout Rods: 6ft to 7ft, 2wt to 4wts.
Large water Trout 8ft to 8'-9" length 4wt to 6wts (my favorites)
Heavier Weight Trout/Bass/Pike 8'-6" to 8'-9" 7wt to 10wts
All builds are Custom, built to customer specifications. All builds include a Cloth Rod Sock and Aluminum Tube.
Carbon Fiber Fly Rods
The majority of my Carbon Fiber builds are done on CTS blanks, typically from 8'-6" to 11'
Standard Trout, Euro Nymphing, and Heavy Weight Saltwater Builds. Pricing ranges from $600 to $900 US Dollars depending on Blank, Length, Line Weight and Components.
All builds are Custom, built to customer specifications. All builds include a Cloth Rod Sock and Aluminum Tube.
Current Blank Inventory
Listed below is a current inventory of blanks that I have in stock, these blanks can be reserved for a build and I can provide a discount if you take one of my instock blanks
Please note, I do not sell blanks as a general rule, sorry.
Inventory Updated 7/11/23
Livingston Western Glass:
865-3 (1) Black S2 Glass (1) Clear S2 Glass
895-4 (1) Stealth Grey S2 Glass
806-3 (1) Clear S2 Glass
835-3 (1) Black S2 Glass
Greywolf Trout Smiths:
703-3 (1) Yellow E Glass
CTS Quartz Crystal Glass:
888-4 (1) Tea Crystal Glass, S2
866-4 (1) Tea Crystal Glass
705-3 (1) Tea S2 Glass
McFarland Rod Company:
763-3 (1) Black S2 Glass
Diamondback Rod Company:
605-2 (1) Black S2 Glass (original Vermont made blank)
J Kennedy Fisher:
765-2 (1) Fisher Brown E Glass NOS
866-2 (1) Fisher Brown E Glass NOS
CTS (Composite Tubular Systems) :
Affinity MX 864-4 (2) Golden Brown
Affinity M 904-1 (1) Golden Plum
Vintage 865-4 (2) Gloss Dark Olive
Vintage 905-4 (2) Gloss Dark Olive
Affinity X 905-4 (3) Golden Plum
Affinity X 910-4 (1) Gloss Green
Affinity DQ 12'-6" 6/7wt Spey Golden Plum
Pacific Bay:
TRF 905-4 (1) Plum NOS blank rolled by Tallon
Greywolf Steffen Brothers IM-6:
(these blanks were rolled by Shane Grey, tip over butt ferrule)
603-4 (1) Blue
804-4 (3) Blue
805-4 (3) Blue
Original Steffen Brothers Graphite:
(these blanks rolled by Mark & Tim Steffen, spigot ferrule, IM-6 Graphite)
905/6-4 (2) Blue
Traditional Graphite:
(USA Rolled Low Modulus Carbonfiber Blanks)
905-4 (1) Unsanded Natural Carbon Finish
Available Fiberglass builds:
Greywolf Trout Smiths E Glass 7' 5wt 3pc
$375.00 plus shipping
Lovely 7ft 5wt 3pc built on a Greywolf Trout Smiths blank, spigot ferrules, Lemke LC-1 with a Cocobolo Spacer, Mod Western Grip, Pac Bay XB Stripper, Snake Brand Universal running guides, Wrapped in Pac Bay Dark Orange, trimmed with Gudebrod NCP Red.
Greywolf Yellow E Glass 7' 3wt 3pc
$450.00 plus shipping
Built on a Greywolf Yellow E Glass Blank, this build features a Struble U20 reel seat with a Camphor Burl insert, Snub Nose Grip 6" long, Pac Bay XB Stripper Guide followed by Pac Bay Lite Wire running guides and matching Pac Bay Tip Top. All hardware is Matte Black. Wrapped with Pro Wrap Nylon 207 Sunrise and Trimmed with Black.
Included with all rods, Aluminum Rod Tube and Cloth Sock.
Available Inventory Carbon builds
Greywolf Steffen Brothers 804-4 Blue Carbon
$450.00 plus shipping
Lemke LC-14 Slide Band Seat with a Buckeye Burl Insert. Modified Western Grip, Pac Bay XB Stripping Guide, Snake Brand Original running guides, Wrapped with Pro Wrap Evergreen Nylon, trimmed with Pro Wrap NCP Summer Sky.
How It Works
How to order
1Please reach out to me via email or a phone call. If you see a blank in my inventory that interests you it can be reserved or a blank can be ordered. I will also build on a customer supplied blank on a case by case basis.
Since I am a small volume custom builder, I do not keep a large inventory of blanks on hand. Its easy enough for me to find and order the blank you want your rod built on, it just may take several weeks for me to receive it. Once I have the blank, the build will normally take about 2 to 3 weeks to complete.
I require a 50% Deposit of the total cost of the build. Deposits can be made via Pay Pal or Personal Check.
Once build is complete, I will contact you for final payment and shipping notification. Rods are shipped fully insured and will require a verified mailing address. I use Fed Ex, USPS Priority Mail or USPS International Mail.
Guide Service
The W. Jude Fly Rod Company also offers Guided Fly Fishing Trips
Trout and Bass on the Fly
I do limited bookings through out the season for beginners and traveling Anglers
Wade Trips, Half Day and Full day
Local waters include but not limited to: Battenkill, Schroon and Walloomsac Rivers for Trout Fly Fishing. We also have a large amount of water on the Hudson River for Smallmouth Bass that can be waded.
Pricing: 1/2 Day Wade Trip 1 Person $275, one additional Angler add $175.
Full Day Wade Trip 1 Person $450, one additional Angler add $250.
Note: For parties of 2 or more Anglers, a second Guide will be utilized, its not fair to the clients nor the guide to be spread out between 2 Anglers. Your paying us to take you fishing, and you should receive the best service possible.
Float Trips, Half Day and Full Day
A small tagline
I own a Scadden Fishing Raft that holds 2 People, so my float trips are reserved for one Angler. Depending on time of year and water flows, I can provide this service for 1/2 Day or Full Day trips. Trout and Bass Fly Fishing. Some of the river systems can be a float and wade trip while other places we won't get out of the boat. Safety is First! Life Jacket is required if in the boat!
Pricing: 1/2 Day One Angler Only $325
Full Day One Angler Only $500
- Contact Us
Don't be afraid to reach out. You + us = awesome.
Just as a note, I am not a "Full Service Fly Shop" and business hours are for phone correspondence only.
I do allow by Appointment Only Visits to the shop
Ballston Spa NY 12020Monday thru Friday 8am to 5pm EST
Saturday 8am to 4pm EST
Sunday Closed, email only518-588-6128
© 2019